German Legal Advice on Asset-Referenced Token (ART)
Legal Excellence
The conception and public offering of asset-referenced tokens (ART) have been regulated by the Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCAR) and, as far as the German market is concerned, supervised by BaFin since mid-2024. The European regulation defines the tokens as a type of crypto-asset that is not an electronic money token and that purports to maintain a stable value by referencing another value or right or a combination thereof, including one or more official currencies. An example of this would be Tether Gold (XAUT), although Tether is, insofar, not subject to MiCAR regulations. In addition to e-money tokens, asset-referenced tokens belong to a group of tokens that are also known as ‘stablecoins’.
MiCAR's main focus is on ensuring the stability of the value of the tokens. Firstly, this is to be achieved by restricting the group of possible issuers to CRR credit institutions and authorised (licensed) companies. As part of the formalised authorisation procedure, it is, roughly speaking, necessary to convince BaFin that the issuer is in a position to fulfil its regulatory obligations by submitting comprehensive documentation. A central element of value stability is the mandatory formation of an asset reserve, which must be secured against the insolvency of the issuer and deposited with a custodian. The asset reserve must essentially consist of or relate to the assets to which the asset- referenced token refers, and market, credit and concentration risks must be minimised in accordance with certain requirements.
In addition, the public offering of asset-backed tokens requires, among other things, a whitepaper, which must be approved by BaFin. It serves to inform potential investors about the features, functions and risks of the tokens. In functional terms, it therefore serves the same purpose as the prospectus for securities, shares in collective investment undertakings or other investments. The structure and content of the whitepaper are also regulated in MiCAR in a familiar manner.
Kronsteyn has proven expertise in German and European crypto law. Among other projects, the law firm provided legal advice on the successful market launch of the first German OTC crypto trading system tailored to the mass market and the first crypto MTF.
Publication on Asset-Referenced Token
Müller-Lankow/Liebscher, Legal differences between e-money and asset-backed tokens (German: Rechtliche Unterschiede zwischen E-Geld- und vermögenswertereferenzierten Token), in: Wertpapier-Mitteilungen (WM) 2024, pp. 1152-1160.
Legal Services
The law firm Kronsteyn assists issuers of asset-referenced tokens (ART) and advises on all questions of German and European supervisory, civil and tax law relating to crypto. The range of legal services includes among others:
Supporting the BaFin administrative procedure for granting a licence to issue asset- referenced tokens
Preparation of a white paper in accordance with MiCAR and of general terms and conditions (GTC) governing the contractual relationship between the issuer and the token holders
Preparation of statements and legal opinions on complex legal issues
Drafting of structural agreements, e.g. outsourcing and cooperation agreements
Defence against investor actions